Vishal Canumalla

PhD Student (photo)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Stanford University
vjc at stanford dot edu
Last updated October 2024

I am a first year PhD student in electrical engineering at Stanford. Previously, I graduated from the Allen School at the University of Washington (UW CSE) where I studied computer science.

My research interests are in the intersection of programming languages and computer architecture. Most recently I worked on using program synthesis in automating hardware compilation of FPGAs.

At the University of Washington, I was very fortunate to be advised by Zachary Tatlock and Gus Smith. I’ve additionally interned in industry, under Chandrakana Nandi at Certora, and under Derek Gerstmann at Adobe Research.

Recent News

June 2024

🎓 Graduated from the University of Washington with
a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science!

March 2024

🌲 Accepted PhD offer from Stanford for Fall 2024!

Please see past news for more.

Conference and Journal Publications

A full list of these and other smaller papers can be found here.