Application-Level Validation of Accelerator Designs Using a Formal Software/Hardware Interface

Bo-Yuan Huang*,  Steven Lyubomirsky*,  Yi Li,  Mike He,  Gus Henry Smith,  Thierry Tambe,  Akash Gaonkar,  Vishal Canumalla,  Andrew Cheung,  Gu-Yeon Wei,  Aarti Gupta,  Zachary Tatlock,  Sharad Malik

Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 2024


Ideally, accelerator development should be as easy as software development. Several recent design languages/tools are working toward this goal, but actually testing early designs on real applications end-to-end remains prohibitively difficult due to the costs of building specialized compiler and simulator support. We propose a new first-in-class, mostly automated methodology termed “3LA” to enable end-to-end testing of prototype accelerator designs on unmodified source applications. A key contribution of 3LA is the use of a formal software/hardware interface that specifies an accelerator’s operations and their semantics. Specifically, we leverage the Instruction-level Abstraction (ILA) formal specification for accelerators that has been successfully used thus far for accelerator implementation verification. We show how the ILA for accelerators serves as a software/hardware interface, similar to the Instruction Set Architecture for processors, that can be used for automated development of compilers and instruction-level simulators. Another key contribution of this work is to show how ILA-based accelerator semantics enables extending recent work on equality saturation to auto-generate basic compiler support for prototype accelerators in a technique we term “flexible matching.” By combining flexible matching with simulators auto-generated from ILA specifications, our approach enables end-to-end evaluation with modest engineering effort. We detail several case studies of 3LA, which uncovered an unknown flaw in a recently published accelerator and facilitated its fix.


author = {Huang, Bo-Yuan and Lyubomirsky, Steven and Li, Yi and He, Mike and Smith, Gus Henry and Tambe, Thierry and Gaonkar, Akash and Canumalla, Vishal and Cheung, Andrew and Wei, Gu-Yeon and Gupta, Aarti and Tatlock, Zachary and Malik, Sharad},
title = {Application-level Validation of Accelerator Designs Using a Formal Software/Hardware Interface},
year = {2024},
issue_date = {March 2024},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {29},
number = {2},
issn = {1084-4309},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3639051},
abstract = {Ideally, accelerator development should be as easy as software development. Several recent design languages/tools are working toward this goal, but actually testing early designs on real applications end-to-end remains prohibitively difficult due to the costs of building specialized compiler and simulator support. We propose a new first-in-class, mostly automated methodology termed “3LA” to enable end-to-end testing of prototype accelerator designs on unmodified source applications. A key contribution of 3LA is the use of a formal software/hardware interface that specifies an accelerator’s operations and their semantics. Specifically, we leverage the Instruction-level Abstraction (ILA) formal specification for accelerators that has been successfully used thus far for accelerator implementation verification. We show how the ILA for accelerators serves as a software/hardware interface, similar to the Instruction Set Architecture for processors, that can be used for automated development of compilers and instruction-level simulators. Another key contribution of this work is to show how ILA-based accelerator semantics enables extending recent work on equality saturation to auto-generate basic compiler support for prototype accelerators in a technique we term “flexible matching.” By combining flexible matching with simulators auto-generated from ILA specifications, our approach enables end-to-end evaluation with modest engineering effort. We detail several case studies of 3LA, which uncovered an unknown flaw in a recently published accelerator and facilitated its fix.},
journal = {ACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst.},
month = {feb},
articleno = {35},
numpages = {25},
keywords = {Accelerator, domain-specific language, compilation, validation, software/hardware interface}

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